So hallo,
My name is Ania. Let's skip my age please. Thank u ;). I live in Warsaw, have a job, friends, no pet. Ok enough about me i prefer to focus on our trip if u don't mind. I believe that most people willing to read this blog are those who knows us already...
The most important thing before every exotic trip are vaccinations!!!, in our case against:
Hepatitis A + B (3x), Rabies (3x enough for trip), Poliomyelities, Diphtheriae and Tetanus (1x if u are around age of 30), Typhoid (1x), Japanese encephalitis (2x) can be also prophylaxis against Cholera (2x) and of cos against Malaria like Malarone.
In last 2 weeks i've made 4 vaccination: Japanese encephalitis v. (1x; 0d, 28d) and Rabis v. (2x; 0d, 7d, 28d), Polio, Diphtheriae, Tetanus (about age 30 only 1 vaccine against those 3 is enough) and also Typhoid (1x) and those cost me around 468 PLN + 95 euro v. against Japanase E.)
The vaccination against Japanese E. makes sense only if u stay out of the cities for more than 1 month. Otherwise don't do it. And... it's not avalaible in Poland.
Other important thing - visa's. All Asian countries required visa (mostly valid 28, 30 or 60 days)
On friday January 7th I was in Royal Thai Embassy to apply for visa (we start from Thailand). Lars already has it done. But I want to warn u it's a mess there on Willowa street 7, they mostly don;t pick up the phones, on answer machine i could hear that each of 4 possible entries cost 100 PLN, but when I finally got there (applying for visa is from 9 am to 12) I found out that until March 31, 2011 there is no fee (nice). The whole visa thing takes 2 days, so on monday i should already pick it up... (we will see). Visa on each entry is valid 60 days + 30 days extended (max 90 days). (On-arrival only 15 days and no extending)
For tourist visa u need to give: filled (eng.) application form, 1 pict (3,5 x 4,5 cm), passport valid at least 6 monts longer then u leave the country, but in 3 months ... also the fee(s)
to be continued...